Extra WelcomePoints Promotion

Drive traffic to our products and pick up the fastest car every month in WelcomeShop!

?We have updated WelcomeShop and now are launching Extra WelcomePoints promotion.?


You can find the detailed conditions right below:

?We will multiply earned points for driven traffic by X2 from 10.08 to 10.09!

?WOW! Drive EXTRA traffic and get an EXTRA boost. Drive at least 1000FD during the promotions period and we will multiply your earned points by X3.

And one more offer!

Tickets to Flight: Amsterdam | iGB Affiliate! Take a part in a contest of two tickets.

How to:

?Publish Instagram stories or posts in your Instagram Feed about participation in ExtraWelcomePoints, use the hashtag #ExtraWelcomePoints and tag us.

?The most creative partner will receive two tickets and a unique engraved gift from WelcomeShop.


Please, don’t forget to activate your account in a promotion: @WelcomePartners

?Power up your traffic and take whatever you want in WelcomeShop: the latest modern devices or powerful sportscars! ?