As more and more of you use the Telegram messenger, our team launched a Telegram-bot, which allows you to quickly get information about the summary statistics for the day in one click!
Please love and favor:
Your statistics are now always at hand wherever you are.
Our WP-Bot just was born, but it will grow actively, will be added new functionality and the existing one will be improved.
But this is not all the good news.
The long-awaited traditional summer promotion from WelcomePartners will be launched soon!
The fire of passions in the fields of football battles does not cease.
Summer is getting hotter than ever, and our promotion is getting closer!
Do not miss your chance to become one of the winners - stay tuned!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our support team:
- SKYPE: welcomepartners
- TELEGRAM: @WelcomePartners
We wish you a good conversion!
WelcomePartners Team.